Thursday, December 13, 2007


I don't know why I ended that last post- I wish to write more!

I crave camp. I do, truly. F introduced me to his awesome camp which I have applied to be a counselor at. Gonna be honest- heartbreak my way if I am denied camp love for another summer. Speaking of F, he kind of blew up today during the project we're working on together. Isn't it strange when you just meet someone and as you get to know them all these traits you never knew they had come out. How can first impressions be so inaccurate? It's a little like they betray you the moment they feel comfortable enough to be themselves. Is that just me? At any rate, F can be scary. That's what I learned today.

So apparently J was driving S to Taco Bell yesterday and was looking at the pictures he had in his phone (because I always feel the need to be distracted when I drive too) and he had all these graphic pictures of naked girls. C, J, S and I had a big discussion about it during Creative Writing today. It's curious how your opinion of a person changes when you find out they've had sex. It's this big secret and then, depending on how it comes out, it rebuilds them in your eyes. I think it could be the fact that someone you see everyday has experienced something really life affirming and they're sitting in class with you talking about it. They could have children. Someone's seen them (gasp) naked. Oddly enough, even though S's secret came out in a slightly disturbing way, his appreciation for and realism about his experiences makes him so much more respectable to me now. Granted, I had to take off points for having nude photos on his camera phone. How myspace slut of him.

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